Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October 10, 2007

Thing 2: RSS and Feed Readers

I subscribed to 6 sites from Google Reader, but I am not sure I have specified Google Reader as the Feed Reader from each of those 6 sites. When I clicked on subscribe, each site was immediately added to the list and nothing popped up to ask me to specify a particular feed reader such as Bloglines or Google Reager or another service. Perhaps this is a change since 2005: a request from Google Reader will default to Google Reader as a feed conduit.

I like to see the top stories from favorite sources all on one page.

I could use this personally to gather all local information about a particular local event or investment topic.

The library could use this to compare coverage, biases or viewpoints among various media on breaking news or conduct a detailed search for a patron from multiple sources in a shorter period of time.

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