Tuesday, November 6, 2007

November 6, 2007 Thing 9 Online Productivity

Thing 9: Online Productivity

Well. I signed onto Google Docs, went to the "Communicate, show & share" area and played with the spreadsheet program. creating a hypothetical document I called entitled Hours Log for Ten Things in the process.

The automatic save feature seems eerie at first. It seems easier to get rid of document you don't need using a software based program. It seems you have more control over the document. Google documents are nuch more public and theis is how they are designed.

The spreadsheet functions worked very similarly to those of a software based program. I deliberately picked a spreadsheet not a word processing document because I haven't created a new spreadsheet in a long time.

Once you begin using one of the document creation programs, it seems to be difficult to back out into tools again. The rest look interesting but seem to duplicate many of the funtions we've already explored with previous Things. )
Note: Products is an e-bay like function, not a tool page!

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