Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wed Oct 31 2007 (II)

Thing 5 Flickr & Photosharing
Interesting, and what a colorful interesting slide show staff has put together! I have taken some shots with a digital camera lent to me by Ruth Sinker and tried to download them but apparently laid my mitts on the 4 photo gallery that comes with thye Windows XP operating system loaded in the hard drive in the laptop#10 I borrowed from the Adult Computer Lab. Flickr generated two audible tones as the camera's USB cable was plugged into the laptop's USB port, but the digital camera does not appear in the window "Select Files to Upload". The camera's own screen displays "MDSC". Oh well, back to the drawing board. Perhaps I'll take a few more photos and ask someone in the classroom for help on Friday morning, November 2. Not too bad so far considering this is the first time I've taken my own photos with a digital camera and only the second time I've used a laptop.

Wed Oct 31 (I)

Hurrah! Toby helped me past a week old snag on Thing 4. It looks like I hadn't properly clicked on the e-mail verification needed to add a friend to the MySpace listing. Now, Thing 4 should be well and truly finished.

Hurrah again, Ruth Sinker signed out, explained, and set up a digital camera. It seems pretty straightforward, although I'm not much of a photographer and have minimal experience with the digital models--mostly people on group trips asking me to take their picture with their camera. (Thing 5)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

October 24

I read some text and watched some video about the remaining Things, but no real progress today. I was able to access the blog to post a note.

What, you can't read Webdings? Well. neither can's the translation:
"I read some text and watched some video about the remaining Things, but no real progress today. I was able to access the blog to post a note."

I got on the wrong social networking site. Instead of My Space or Facebook, I got into My Face, and fried the computer. ):-o
So I'll be signing off for now!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

October 17 2007 Comments on Things & Stuff

RSS & Feed Readers Thing2 : Its a good idea to start carrying headphones by this step--there's an informative video for this Thing 2 that has sound.

Social Networking Thing4: I had misgivings about the entire concept of Social Networking. I'm concerned about privacy issues and don't surf or spend this quantity of time online. I want to be sure I can erase all this if needed when the Ten Thing project is over. I didn't realize you had to had to get e-mail addresses for people already signed onto MySpace to add them to your Friends list, but perhaps I should, given my concerns, find this reassuring.
For those of us without digital cameras or photos on CD, perhaps a link to the Grapevine or a human resource site might be provided so we could download a photo to paste. Setting up a MySpace account is farely painless, but adding a friend to MySpace is not as simple as the video claims in skokie10 instructions claims. The site keeps asking to re-verify my e-mail address.

Flickr & Photo Sharing Thing 5: For those of us without digital cameras or photos on CD, perhaps a link to the Grapevine or a human resource site might be provided so we could download a photo to paste. (Copy & Paste--gotta love it.)

Podcasting Thing7: Not there yet, just bumbled through Thing4, but an idea came to mind. Once we're on this step online, can we load a music cd into the D drive, and "insert" this music into the exercise? I'm hazy on the technicalities, but wanted to ask, as I came across a song pertinent to the Library's mission.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday October 12, 2007

Looking over the staff blogs, I deserve a prize for the most boring blog name and daily titles. Staff members chose some neat titles!

Oh well, at any rate, instant messaging, Thing 3, is done!


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

October 10 Thing 3...

Whoops--should've known I'd need to gather e-mail addresses to do this!

October 10, 2007

Thing 2: RSS and Feed Readers

I subscribed to 6 sites from Google Reader, but I am not sure I have specified Google Reader as the Feed Reader from each of those 6 sites. When I clicked on subscribe, each site was immediately added to the list and nothing popped up to ask me to specify a particular feed reader such as Bloglines or Google Reager or another service. Perhaps this is a change since 2005: a request from Google Reader will default to Google Reader as a feed conduit.

I like to see the top stories from favorite sources all on one page.

I could use this personally to gather all local information about a particular local event or investment topic.

The library could use this to compare coverage, biases or viewpoints among various media on breaking news or conduct a detailed search for a patron from multiple sources in a shorter period of time.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

October 3, 2007

So this is a web log!

This looks like a nice template, easy to read.

I have read the FAQ's and Getting Started fields.

I appreciate the support so far!

I see three names are called for:
A name for the blog
A second name for the blog
and a title for each entry on the blog.

For simplicity, I'll put down the date for daily titles and refine with more words if needed.
Looks like I'll need headphones, but perhaps not until Thing 7 Podcasting and Online Multimedia

So far, so good.